"I have been suffering from anxiety and agoraphobia for nearly 40 years, my anxiety stopped me from leaving home, it stopped me from attending hospital and doctor's appointments. I have been taking antidepressants for about 35 years, without a lot of success. I did have reservations about trying homeopathy in the beginning as I panic whenever I take anything new. Through treatment I managed to stay in hospital, something I never thought I would be able to do. I have managed to have a very needed operation, and have since visited the hospital on many occasions. In one word it has saved my life. I am less anxious I sleep better and feel more positive. Compared to other treatments, homeopathy is quick and long-lasting. Without a doubt this has helped me more than I could say, without this I would never have got as far as I have. I would recommend Amanda, she is warm and friendly with a sympathetic nature, she put me at ease. Keep up the good work it is truly a gift....A quick update on my progress... I needed to have 30 sessions of radiotherapy, I was burnt, blistered and very sore, I could neither sit or lay comfortably, I also had a water infection. Amanda sent me another remedy which I took on the Wednesday night, by the Saturday the blisters had started to go, less then a week later I was able to sit and lay comfortably, and my water infection had gone, I was also feeling really down but after taking the remedy I feel lighter more positive I also have more energy. Thanks again Amanda I will be forever grateful."





"I have had anxiety for as long as I can remember - around 50 years, and fibromyalgia and fatigue for a couple of years. I believe I was burned-out which was making me feel depressed. Amanda really listened to my story and was genuinely empathetic & considerate to my needs. She is very easy to talk to & has a gentle & kind manner. The remedy I was prescribed shifted something in me pretty quickly & I felt my anxiety dissipate although it slowly returned but not to the same degree. A few weeks later, I was prescribed another remedy. This time I had anxiety rise but it soon calmed. Over time with check-ins with Amanda my anxiety has practically vanished & only arises for good reason & is totally manageable. My mind & body seem to have connected & I no longer feel how I felt at the beginning of treatment which quite frankly was really bad. This has had a knock-on effect to the fibromyalgia and fatigue which have improved immensely. I would wholeheartedly recommend Amanda to anyone seeking alternative treatment. I went in with an open mind & what Amanda has done for me has been incredible, remarkable & fascinating. I’m truly grateful to her for the tremendous help and support she has provided for me. Thank you."





"I have been a worrier and had low-level anxiety for as long as I can remember, I always would overthink situations and conversations before they happen and replay things I have said worrying whether I said the wrong thing or offended someone. I would describe myself as having always experienced social anxiety and would avoid large groups and social gatherings unless very small with people I know well. When there are particular difficulties in my life my anxiety increased, my mind then would become out of control and whirling continuously and this affected my ability to stay asleep. I have always had long periods of 3 to 4 hours awake during the night if I was disturbed. I would over-worry about my health and that of my children. During difficult periods I had tried Sertraline which does help, but this is not what I wanted to rely on. I didn’t have any reservations about homeopathic treatment as I have used it a lot before. Since treatment my sleep is the best it has been in a very long time, if I wake in the night, I get back to sleep more easily. I feel more relaxed overall and don't let my worries consume me. I feel more comfortable in social situations than I did previously. Getting better sleep benefits my whole life as I can cope with stress much better. I feel I am doing a better job of parenthood as I worry less. I feel I am getting more enjoyment from life and being in the moment more. I would most definitely recommend homeopathic treatment to others. It does not result in unwelcome side effects which prescription medication has and the results continue without being reliant on taking daily medication. I am a big fan and have seen great results over 18-ish years for myself and my children, however, sadly most people I speak to are sceptical. Just to say I am very pleased with the results and thank you for your time."





In hindsight, feeling anxious was my default setting for much of my life. A prolonged period of stress brought my anxiety to the point where I couldn't cope with life, and it sparked a period of not even wanting to. I was off work, long-term ill, would go weeks without seeing anyone and at one point, just popping to the local shop was too much to deal with. My main reservation about starting treatment was a lack of faith in myself to make any progress. I was so depleted at the beginning, I honestly believed I didn't have it in me to come back from where I was at. Since treatment I have experienced a huge improvement...especially in noticing when anxiety is about to take over in everyday situations. I am now doing many of the things I had not been able to do. Eating and sleeping better. Taking more interest and care of my immediate surroundings. Visiting family, seeing friends, making phone calls, handling stressful situations as they arise. Gardening, exercising and making plans for a new job and future events. My general mood has lifted and doesn't take hold and dominate as much as it did. My energy levels are improving with sleeping better. The physical pain I had in my lower body has decreased too, to a point where it no longer stops me doing things such as walking, gardening and cycling. Homeopathy would always be my first treatment choice. It works on the cause as opposed to 'mainstream' generally focusing on the symptoms. I would definitely recommend it to others, I'm aware there is a reluctance for people to use it, but happy that that appears to have decreased in recent years. Again, mainly because it's a holistic approach to what is happening with a person. Homeopaths, in my experience, have more time for the people they treat than conventional medicine does. I would absolutely recommend Amanda. She is thorough, caring, empathic, sensitive, professional, methodical, open and honest. I am truly grateful for all you have done for me Amanda. Although I have been in counselling along this journey too, I know it is the homeopathic treatment which has created the biggest shift. A heartfelt thank you to you.





"My anxiety was very bad before treatment. I would wake most nights at 3am and be consumed by it - it was worse when I had something particularly worrying in my life, but even if I didn’t, it would still occur. It was horrible and really dragged me down. I've been struggling with different levels of it for many years, but it was particularly bad in the middle of the night. I’d tried meditation which helped but never cured it. I was sceptical about trying homeopathy as I’d tried it a few years back to no avail. Since treatment, I no longer wake in the middle of the night consumed with anxiety - and when I do wake at 3am, I turn over and go back to sleep peacefully. It’s great not to experience that horror. My wellbeing has improved and I’m sure it’s had a knock-on effect. I was also pretty bad with chronic fatigue symptoms at the start of treatment, possibly brought on by menopause. There has been a definite improvement with these where they are MUCH less frequent and less intense. More recently, I have been getting up more easily in the mornings and have been able to overcome morning depression which keeps me pinned to sleep. Homeopathy is subtle, but I can’t deny that my well-being has improved immeasurably since I began treatment. I would definitely recommend treatment to others, I would tell peeps that it is defo worth a punt if u are prepared to be patient. I would recommend Amanda as she has a lovely demeanour but is also professional and put me at ease, plus very reliable, and your treatment appears to have worked. I’m very grateful for your time and energy helping me."

K Davies




"I have had anxiety for a lot of my life and have tried various ways to cope with it. It was really bad in my early twenties and improved slightly in my thirties, however a couple of years after the birth of my daughter I began to feel anxious about driving and leaving the house on my own and socialising, which was unlike me as I was used to having a large circle of friends and family and was used to working in a busy environment. My anxiety felt at its worst from 2020 onwards I didn’t socialise much or go to any events when the lockdowns ended. I also chose not to see family and friends because I felt really anxious being around people or being in groups of people, I found driving any distance further than to the local supermarket stressful. I remember last August being so anxious about what people thought of me or what I had said that I thought I was losing my mind. A lot of upsetting things happened around that time and coupled with being busy at work, my anxiety reached a really bad point. I had tried counselling for a long period in my twenties and tried antidepressants and beta blockers. But I knew after being on them for ten years that I needed to stop. I honestly felt addicted to them and had bad withdrawal symptoms, so had got stuck in a cycle of needing to keep taking them.  I started looking into the side-effects and decided I needed to find a way to heal what was causing the anxiety. I didn’t have any reservations about trying homeopathy, I’m just surprised I had never come across it before, as I used to spend hours searching the internet for alternative treatments. I was shocked that no health professional had ever mentioned it before. I noticed an improvement in my symptoms straight away, I had had a really horrible time shouting at my husband and getting mad at my family for not understanding how I was feeling and was feeling like a really bad person as it was so out of character for me to get so angry. Within the first week after taking the first remedy I felt like a new person; I had loads of energy because previously I was really tired and irritable all day every day. That first week, because I felt better, I changed my diet to a more healthy, balanced one. Before, I was emotionally binge eating every day, I enjoyed the new energy so much that I started staying up late in the evenings and still got up early to take my daughter to school etc, I then re-set up my business which I had abandoned in 2020 after not coping with how things had changed and being anxious. Before treatment, I had also been experiencing brain fog/memory loss and was finding it really hard to concentrate, which made it hard to do small tasks let alone think about running a business. As a result of treatment, I now have a really good routine and have set a lot of new goals that I’m working towards, I don’t feel as if my life is in limbo anymore, I was always tired and not feeling like meeting up with friends or taking up any work-related opportunities. In the last six months since finding Amanda I have met up with my old friends, got my business back, been to some big events on my own which I wouldn’t have done before because I was too anxious about travelling or meeting new people or worrying what people thought of me, I have made new friends and gone out a lot more in general. Before treatment, I was worried about getting tired so used to only plan one thing a day, whereas now I do things all the time without having to plan in exact detail how the day will go. I now exercise every day and feel that I am getting my life back, as I am not continuously worrying about what people think of me. I am a lot happier as I am now doing all the things I enjoy. I think homeopathy is amazing, and I really like Amanda’s approach. She is very calm and reassuring and I felt I could say anything I needed. Also, she gives people time in each session to go through everything properly, as anxiety is also about emotions. When I’ve been to the GP, aside from one, none have really known what to say, it’s just been a case of ‘here’s a prescription off you go’. I really like homeopathy, I feel like it was a full body and mind connection and was really therapeutic. It’s definitely something I’m so glad to have found and wish it was mainstream because I think it could help so many people. Also, I got used to having no emotions when I took antidepressants whereas I’ve found homeopathy has allowed me to feel an emotion but to also feel ok. I would 100% recommend Amanda to others. She gives people lots of time, is non-judgmental, very professional and friendly, she also prescribed a remedy that got rid of so many of my problems in one go, I couldn’t believe how much better I felt after one treatment. She is also very reliable, respectful and always available if I needed to ask something. Thank you for helping me create a better, calmer and easier to live life. I find everyday so much more enjoyable now I’m healthier so thank you, it’s been invaluable to find something that works and heals this anxiety that has caused me years of daily struggles."





"I have experienced varying levels of anxiety since I was a child, that over the years have resulted in physiological symptoms such as digestive issues, migraine and gynaecological issues. I have also always struggled with a very busy mind, intrusive thoughts and high levels of nervous system dysregulation. Over the past few years, my capacity to manage everyday life was becoming increasingly challenging, my sleep, appetite, capacity to drive, socialise and find joy was limited. I was prescribed beta blockers in the past that somewhat reduced some symptoms such as heart palpitations and migraine, but didn't help with my other symptoms. I have also had CBT, Counselling and Psychotherapy which were not helpful to my experiences/symptoms. I did have reservations about homeopathy, mainly because I didn’t fully understand what I was taking, how it works, or what to expect. I also wasn’t aware of any proven research on its effectiveness. The improvements I have experienced as a result of treatment are that my nervous system is now better regulated so stressors no longer spike such intense reactions. I have fewer migraines, fewer heart palpitations, less stomach discomfort, and improved sleep and appetite. The ability to manage daily tasks such as house chores, driving and shopping. More focus and clarity, I am calmer and more at ease, more able to relax and to seek joy again in everyday living. My self-care has improved and I am able to enjoy my interests again. There has been improvement in physical tension in my neck and shoulders, more balanced energy levels, improved fatigue and less feelings of panic and fear. The single most positive outcome of treatment is that I now have a balanced nervous system. Because of this, life is easier, I am no longer feeling stuck in states of overwhelm or shut down, I am content and have joy in my life. In comparison to other treatments I have tried, homeopathy has had the most powerful effect and positive change. It has brought about gentle, subtle changes over time which weren't as overwhelming as other treatments I've tried. I would recommend it to others; it has got to the core of all my symptoms as opposed to just treating individual symptoms like modern medicine seems to do. I would recommend Amanda, she has such a gentle, non-judgmental manner, is empathetic and has a good understanding of all the many ways anxiety can show up in the body and impact daily life. She took the time to really listen to my individual experiences and not dismiss, minimise or generalise my personal experiences, it felt like she really cared and understood the importance of connecting to the person as an individual.





"Six months ago, I was using a significant amount of my time and energy managing anxiety and I felt I was just trying to stay afloat, unable to grow with it. I experienced overwhelm and hypervigilance in settings such as public transport, lectures and other group settings. I also could become very panicked and restless when alone, and felt I could not self soothe. I had experienced these symptoms since my mid-teens though I have been very anxious and unsettled since I was a young child. I had tried talking therapies and medication from my GP, which although helpful in other areas, had not significantly helped my anxiety. I was definitely nervous about trying homeopathy - the prospect of consuming an unknown substance and not being able to do my own checks for side effects of medication interactions. Over the last six months, through treatment I have become more emotionally resilient - I become anxious less frequently and am able to recover more quickly. I spend much less time feeling stuck and unable to process emotions and situations. I feel more consistently like a cohesive self, less fragmented. I feel more trusting of myself and others. I have been more able to connect in relationships which is really important to me. In work and study, I have been more able to focus and control my attention as I am not so preoccupied. There has been a big shift in how I relate to the world. No longer using caffeine to regulate my mood and function has been really good for me. I have less ‘coat hanger’ pain - when stressed I hold a lot of protective tension around my neck and shoulders and this used to accumulate to near constant aching, tightness and reduced mobility. This only occasionally flares up now. I feel more able to sense my physical and emotional needs which has helped me with nutrition and fitness. The single most positive outcome I have experienced as a result of treatment is that I now feel more present in myself and the world. I would recommend homeopathy to those seeking alternative treatment, and have been sharing my positive experience with others. I would recommend Amanda as a practitioner, I felt very well looked after during treatment - talking together during our appointments really helped me better understand myself and my anxiety. I found the structured questions and prompts stimulating and thought provoking. The booking and communication all went super smoothly and the process felt clear and supported. These sessions have really helped my interoceptive skills which has previously been a major block to my self-care and health."





"At the beginning I was completely overwhelmed having had a bereavement and dealing with the long-term health condition of chronic fatigue syndrome/ME. I take regular medication for my anxiety and depression which I continue to take but was also looking for a complementary route to help me too, hence my choosing homeopathy. As a result of treatment, I now have more stability and less overwhelm. I feel calmer and more in control. I have more awareness and look at my triggers and nip them in the bud before things spiral. I would definitely recommend treatment to others. It's very good for first aid and also it works at multiple levels: mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. I think each complementary treatment has its benefits in my opinion but homeopathy is very much my go to one. I would definitely recommend Amanda, she’s a wonderful homeopath and utterly professional. She has clearly defined boundaries and works to a formula with the questions she asks. That creates safety and support for me. Remedies arrive the next day or two days later. Plenty of reminders for appointments and options to change if needed on the calendar. She's very understanding and compassionate and the key thing for me is she really listens...I feel heard."





"I have always been a worrier but it had been getting worse and worse for the past 10 years and when I first contacted Amanda, I was really struggling with it. I would take a long time to fall asleep and then I would be awake in the night with my mind on over drive replaying situations and worrying about the tiniest things. I was seriously deprived of sleep and I didn't know what to do. I also found it hard in social situations and found myself feeling out of my depth and wanting to get away from them. My anxiety was really making me feel like I couldn't be who I wanted to be. I had tried Rescue Remedy to help with my anxiety and I would say that it helped a little although only for a very short time. I didn’t have any reservations about trying homeopathy because I have used it in the past. I feel that the treatment has improved my anxiety massively and I feel like a much happier and calmer person compared to six months ago. I can sleep through the night without being awake stressing about things every night. To be able to have good sleep has made such a difference to the quality of my life; my energy levels are higher because of it. I tend to worry less about things too. It's like a switch has been flipped and my body now copes better with stress and can process things in a more normal way. I feel that this course of homeopathic treatment has managed to calm my whole nervous system or something and has gradually but permanently changed things for the better. I would absolutely recommend treatment to others. It is a safe and effective way to treat many illnesses and conditions and I have used it myself for various things in the past. It doesn't always work instantly but I have found that it has cured or improved things massively and not just masked the symptoms like many pharmaceutical products do. I would definitely recommend Amanda. She has a very caring nature and I have found her very thorough and professional. She explained everything really well and always made me feel at ease during our appointments. I am extremely grateful for what she has done for me. Thank you!"





"Before treatment my anxiety was pretty bad, it didn’t allow me to do things. I couldn’t go anywhere as my anxiety became heightened and fear would overwhelm me. I had no reservations about trying homeopathy, as when I was younger my mum would take me to one. Treatment has been really good. I have done things that I haven’t done for years: gone to the beach by myself, done a ring making course and went there by myself, even though it was over an hour away. I just wouldn’t have been able to do that before. I am now believing in myself that I can do things, and am much happier in myself. I would recommend treatment to others and have already recommended homeopathy to a work colleague. I had tried CBD oil and even though that made a difference, the homeopathic treatment has gone to another level. I would recommend Amanda, she is patient, and listened to what I had to say."





"At the start of the year, I was struggling a lot with my mental health, anxiety and in particular social anxiety has been with me all my life. My fear of disappointing people and embarrassing myself, and the anticipation and recovery from social situations was exhausting. I had tried conventional medical treatment in the past. It helped a bit while taking it, but it wasn't able to heal me. It had its uses while working and being a single parent - there was no option not to. I didn’t have any reservations about trying homeopathy as I had seen how well it had worked for my son as a child. As a result of treatment my anxiety reduced, my sleep improved, I ruminate less. I feel as if I am observing the narrative my brain sometimes tells me rather than being right in it. I've had the confidence to go for a few things I wouldn't usually do – to step out of my comfort zone more. There’s less rumination and cringing when in a social setting - I'm okay! Homeopathy has complemented the other holistic things I like to do. It's been a journey and not a quick fix, but I trusted the process and there were no side effects. I would recommend others give it a go. Help your mind and body heal itself gently - It knows what to do. I would recommend Amanda, she is professional, kind and thoughtful - Thank you."





"I had used EMDR years ago and thought I was healed, I think it was the lockdowns 3 years ago when the anxiety returned, it was slow but sure, a sense of not feeling safe in the world again. I was feeling awful and was absolutely gutted, I didn't want to meet new people and it was really affecting me. The conventional medical treatment offered was a drug which slowed my heart down and made me feel depressed with heavy legs, so I refused it. My only reservation with homeopathy was I didn't really know how it would work or what it was. Through treatment I have experienced a 50% improvement in the feeling of anxiety - yes! I feel more confident, it's a subtle experience, but my behaviour has changed. I am more sociable, friendly and reliable. I have felt a grounding in a condition called essential tremor. My nervous system feels stronger. I can face the world with more confidence. I would definitely recommend homeopathic treatment – it’s effortless and effective. I would definitely recommend Amanda, she holds a highly professional as well as friendly and welcoming space. She is very clear at explanations when needed, always punctual and clear. Be warned, she doesn't miss a thing! As well as healing, you will evolve. Her insight is offered with wisdom and grace to support your healing journey. She is able to guide you without pushing and is highly knowledgeable and caring when prescribing treatments. Thanks Amanda you've been just wonderful!"





"Before the treatment my anxiety did vary quite a lot. It would depend on the level of reserves I had to cope with things. When it was really bad, I would want to hide away and literally not see anyone, not pass anyone in the street, not deal with people in shops. It's quite hard to be able to do all of that on a daily basis, so I was generally pretty anxious. It had been increasing over the last year or so, and got to the point where I knew I needed to get some help. I am not a fan of Western medicine, so the only other thing I had tried was St John's Wort, but I stopped that fairly quickly as I wanted to deal with the issue rather than deal with the symptoms. The treatment did coincide with a major change in my work life, so I can't say for sure what has helped, but my anxiety has died down so much over the last few months and I feel like I now have good reserves for dealing with life stresses. I feel much happier and more sociable, and I am more likely to be productive rather than procrastinate. It feels like a heavy weight that was dragging me down has been removed. I have already recommended homeopathy and Amanda in particular to friends and they have been so happy with the process and the results. Personally, I found Amanda so easy to work with, she was very thorough and only sent me remedies when she felt it was necessary. I would definitely recommend her as a practitioner, she has a good mix of a professional and friendly approach and has a genuine interest in the issues at hand and finding a solution."





"Before starting treatment with Amanda my anxiety was through the roof. I had suffered with panic attacks in my early twenties which had settled with some CBT, but this year has been terrible. I have elderly parents who rely on me for absolutely everything as they both have multiple health issues. This year there have been numerous hospital stays for both of them. On top of that, my husband had a heart attack in the spring and was then diagnosed with cancer which we then found had spread and is stage 4 and terminal. My life fell apart. My anxiety was off the scale. I couldn’t stop overthinking what my future would look like. I had panic attacks and was sleeping maybe 2 or 3 hours a night. I also had terrible acid reflux which gave me awful chest pain, and was binge eating to deal with the anxiety. I was very open-minded to trying homeopathic treatment and had no reservations. A few months into treatment after discussing my situation with Amanda I also started taking Citalipram alongside the homeopathy. I think that if my husband’s diagnosis wasn’t terminal, I may have been able to cope just with the homeopathy. It was only after the terminal diagnosis we decided to combine it with the GP prescription. As a result of treatment the acid reflux has improved hugely and sleep is much improved and I am sleeping around 6 hours every night although I sometimes struggle to get off to sleep but only once or twice a week. The panic attacks are now very infrequent and I am no longer overthinking. I have lost around half a stone in weight and the binge eating has almost stopped. My life has vastly improved. I feel calmer and more in control of my life. I would definitely recommend homeopathic treatment to others and I feel the combination of both the homeopathy and the citalopram have definitely helped me. I would definitely recommend Amanda as a practitioner as she is very knowledgeable and professional but has a wonderful compassionate bedside manner. Everything was very clear and easy to understand. Thank you!"



Chipping Sodbury


"I had been struggling with anxiety for many years. I have experienced great improvement as a result of treatment, which has had a huge impact on my life, and I would most definitely recommend it to others. I have no hesitation in recommending Amanda as a practitioner. She is patient, understanding and very thorough in her sessions. Absolutely lovely to work with, she is kind, and really cares about her clients. She structures sessions very holistically, and you feel totally supported. I am very pleased with the outcome, and highly recommend Homeopathy with her for anxiety, and panic attacks, and since working with Amanda I have had no signs of Panic attacks returning."





What can I say about Amanda? She is one of the loveliest, most gentle, kindest people I have met in a long time. She has helped my teenage daughter in a way I never thought possible. She was crippled with anxiety, panic attacks, frightened to leave the house, trauma from childhood & so many other debilitating issues. Amanda has treated her with homeopathy and zoom call meetings and an element of counselling and discussions. I am thrilled to say that my daughter is now a very confident, capable, carefree, thriving young adult and I cannot thank Amanda enough. This review is left with heartfelt, thanks and relief, because as a mother to see your child suffering and then healed emotionally mentally and physically it is an absolute godsend. Thank you, Amanda x

J Collingwood


Midsomer Norton


My anxiety was quite severe before I found Amanda. I was at the point where I could barely leave the house, go to work, university or even just get in my car. I experienced it when I was out and about in many different situations such as going to the shop, lectures, and shifts at work or even just sat at home in bed watching TV. There was no knowing when it was going to spring on me. Some days it was all day every day. Other days, just the slightest moments. I was not myself in the slightest. This phase of anxiety had been going on for about five months. I had tried propranolol for a little while but was unable to take it due to allergies. I had no reservations about trying homeopathy. I was willing to try anything to help my situation because of how out of action I felt. I had lost all motivation and energy to do my normal activities and hobbies, and I was losing earnings as I had had to take leave from work. Treatment has been life changing for me. I can’t even remember the last time I had a panic attack. I am back to doing everything I used to do and more! New job, getting my own place, continuing my lectures at Uni and going out with friends with no problems at all. I feel like I’m back to my old self, I am so relieved after constantly thinking that the anxiety wasn’t going to go away. I am also sleeping a lot better since being on the remedy, waking up less exhausted and I now have more energy to do my normal daily activities. The best thing has been getting control of my life back, and being back to my old self. Compared to other treatments that I have tried, it has been a much more positive experience, and it was reassuring knowing that healthier remedies were going into my body rather than NHS medications with all their side effects. I would definitely recommend treatment to others - it has done wonders for me, and Amanda was brilliant throughout the entire journey. I would 10000000% recommend her. Her communication was incredibly efficient and I felt supported the entire time. Thank you for turning an awful situation into a positive experience and showing me that I can make it through to the other side of the anxiety. (Update 4 months later): I’m getting on great thank you! the results have held for me! for example I worked 95 hours in a week and then drove all the way to Edinburgh and back with no problems! so that shows how much it's worked. It was the light at the end of the tunnel and I can't thank you enough. 



Midsomer Norton


I started homeopathic treatment as I was struggling with low mood and anxiety and was regularly using alcohol as a crutch. As a result of treatment my mood has lifted, I have stopped drinking so much and I feel a lot more positive. My outlook on life has improved massively. I would recommend treatment to others as I have seen benefits from it myself. I would recommend Amanda as she was always very professional and there when needed. Everything was always made clear.





I started homeopathic treatment because I wanted help with anxiety, low self-worth, struggling with my identity outside of the family, eczema and vaginal dryness. I had tried conventional medicine but it had been pretty unsatisfactory. I had tried ointments for my eczema. The first try made it worse and when I mentioned it made me feel down the GP offered me antidepressants. I was shocked and declined. The second ointment worked but the eczema returned. I was prescribed Vagifem for the vaginal dryness but with limited success. They changed the applicator for a really scratchy one and it made me bleed so I stopped using it. I didn’t have any reservations about trying homeopathy as my friend was in training years ago and prescribed a remedy for my daughter when she started senior school and became so anxious over the first two weeks. The results were miraculous. She took it on the Friday and her behaviour was completely changed by Monday morning to go to school. I had also been receiving homeopathic treatment in my home town before my homeopath’s husband died and she had to retreat from practice for a while. My sister Wendy knew Amanda and so I got in touch. I have experienced improvements on so many levels as a result of treatment! When Amanda reads out her original description of me from the first consultation, I do not recognise myself. The eczema is 95 per cent gone and the vaginal/prolapse discomfort is only noticeable if I am very tired or stressed. I am constantly working towards my authentic self, almost at times as though I don't really have a choice any more. The real me will not be put down, silenced, and I don't fear the consequences any more. There is more to come, but I am well on the road. I am curious rather than judgemental, compassionate rather than critical, more peaceful, more accepting although still aiming for better. It’s a really good place to be, despite continuing difficult living circumstances. I think I am caring for myself more rather than considering everyone else better than me and more worthy of time and energy. The best thing about treatment is that I have become re-acquainted with the person I was born to be. It sounds grandiose but it's true. I could never have said this before homeopathic treatment. I would have been shot down, told I was too much - a drama queen. In my opinion Homeopathy is streets ahead of conventional treatment in terms of its effectiveness because it treats the whole person. I am becoming increasingly disillusioned with conventional Western medicine (although a great fan of the NHS concept of free treatment for all). I would definitely recommend treatment to others because it has helped me so much – changed my life in fact! I would definitely recommend Amanda as a practitioner, and I already have to my husband! She is very gentle, sensitive, kind, caring and approachable, also intuitive I think. I was able to express myself without fear of judgment which was extremely important in my treatment. The sessions often felt like therapy when I had no-one to talk to outside the difficult living situation we find ourselves in.





"At the beginning of treatment I wanted help with my symptoms of Polycystic ovary syndrome. My worst symptom was irregular periods – I have sometimes gone for months without having one and had others that have lasted for six weeks constantly. I had tried the standard treatments of the pill and Metformin, but they didn’t really agree with me and I had bad reactions to both, which left me feeling frustrated and unsupported. My periods have now improved 95% as a result of treatment, so much so, that I actually feel normal about them right now, which hasn’t been the case for 15 years. I have also lost mood swings that I have had since I was a teenager – it’s amazing! And I have experienced a massive improvement in my overall sense of health and wellbeing. I would recommend homeopathic treatment to anyone with a long-term chronic condition – this is the best that I have felt in years, I just wish someone had told me ten years ago that going down an alternative route would bring about such a huge improvement. I would definitely recommend Amanda as a practitioner, she is clearly very knowledgeable and asked questions in a non-intrusive way which made discussing a difficult subject easier than I thought it would be. It was the first time that I had been given the opportunity to really discuss how my body works and I found it very therapeutic."





"I have a long-standing, chronic back condition and at the same time I have experienced a lot of loss over a period of years. Circumstances hadn't allowed me to stop and process one thing before the next happened. I felt absolutely full of grief and emotional pain whilst suffering severe anxiety and having a lot of pain from my back and stress-induced arthritis. I was taking a mixture of five medications to deal with the physical pain, the anxiety and sleep but with little benefit and I felt awful due to the side-effects. I went to a pain clinic and was told that the combination of meds was damaging my nervous system and so at that point decided to stop taking them with the exception of codeine but this left me without any hope of any effective treatment. It was by chance that I came across homeopathy. I was very unsure about it but with nothing else available I started a course of treatment which I have continued with over the last couple of years. You tend to quickly forget but If I look back the transformation has been incredible. There has been a regression back through previous symptoms and I have gone back to a level of health I had maybe fifteen years ago. My arthritis has reduced by 95%. The sciatic pain from my back has reduced by 60% and I am much more active again and I have reduced my use of codeine by 75%. The emotional pain which I had suppressed for years and was trapped in my body was bought to the surface. This was a difficult process but I have finally been able to let go of this emotional back-log and with it has come a lightness, relief and calm and a 90% reduction in my anxiety. The treatment has been a huge gift allowing me to recover and start to move forward again in a way I didn't think possible, thank you."





Before treatment my anxiety was so bad, I was at the point where I thought I'd have to be signed off work. It was affecting my ability to be a mother as I was "in my head" so much, I couldn't hear them or make space to enjoy them. My husband and I were not a "team" as I was so consumed by my feelings of dread and being completely useless and I felt like a complete failure. I stopped talking to my friends as I felt like a drain on them and why would they want to be around me, I thought that everyone felt like I was useless and didn't like me. I had taken Citalopram in the past and had thought I'd have to take it again before I decided to try homeopathy. I really didn't want to retake it as it results in a feeling of numbness and pushes your emotions too far towards not caring about things. I didn’t have any reservations about trying homeopathy, I was really open to it and once we started and the fog lifted in my head I haven’t looked back, I have just continued to follow the journey and embrace the positive effects, it truly has saved me and I feel amazing. I have experienced a 100% improvement in my anxiety. Every step it just got better and better, it's been a fantastic journey and having the follow-up’s along with the remedy has been amazing, as I feel you can really narrate your journey and remember how far you've come. It’s been a truly life changing experience. Having the physical symptoms of my anxiety and mental turmoil lifted has enabled me to be part of my family again and step out of the shadows, my fear of everyone thinking I was useless and a failure because that's how I felt about myself has gone, so I'm thriving at work, I have the confidence to speak in group meetings, apply for other job roles. I feel confident my language has changed, communication with my family is more positive and they are happier too. I've also reconnected with my friendship group and they have been so non-judgmental and totally understanding, we have even booked a girl’s weekend away. Before we started this journey several months ago, I was shutting down, I was leaving work early, crying, not talking to anyone, feeling like I was going to die, like someone was sitting on my chest, my brain wouldn't stop internal monologing through every word I said, I couldn't escape bad thoughts. Today I feel taller, the air is fresher, I feel loved, and I feel like I love and like myself. The other things I have noticed since starting treatment is that I haven’t been ill at all, my period pains lessened and now there is no pain at all. My pre-period mood swings are 80% less. But the best thing is that I feel like myself again, like the best version of myself and I love my life. I'm not judging every tiny thing I'm doing and I don't feel like everyone around me is doing that either. Homeopathy is the best thing in the world and I will always come back to it as and when I need to, I feel like it's melted away all the barriers that anxiety had put in my way, and left all the parts that are me. When I had taken other medicines in the past it had dulled the anxiety but also changed me, so I was stopping one state of not me for another state that was also not me. I would 100% recommend it to others because I believe and know it works! I would absolutely recommend Amanda as a practitioner. I felt safe in her hands. She has a way about her that made me trust her straight away, which was important as I was telling her my greatest fears. I honestly feel it wasn't only the remedy but also the check-in’s that helped me get better. Thank you doesn’t feel like a big enough word for how I feel about what she has done for me. I've lived with anxiety most of my life and have feared it returning, I don't now have fear, I know the signs of it returning and when the symptoms return, I can reach out to you again in the knowledge that I can control it, anxiety does not control me anymore.

Kate Fisher




"I wanted to try homeopathy, as I wanted help with anxiety, period and sleeping problems. I had previously tried counselling for my anxiety, which had been partially helpful, and had tried the conventional treatment of metformin for my PCOS symptoms, but it had made me unwell. My anxiety has resolved as a result of treatment. I am no longer suffering on a daily basis and now have a positive outlook on life – the change has been remarkable! I have also ovulated for the first time! I would definitely recommend homeopathic treatment to others because it is an alternative medicine that works. I would recommend Amanda as a practitioner because she is understanding, helpful, approachable and kind."





"At the beginning of treatment I wanted help with anxiety and depression, which had been particularly bad in the last year, difficulty losing weight, excess hair and bad skin. I had been prescribed Metformin by my GP, which seemed to help my weight slightly at the beginning but then stopped working. I didn’t have any reservations about trying homeopathy but I didn’t have much hope for it either – I was probably at my lowest point and was ready to try anything, The biggest improvement I have experienced as a result of treatment has been the change my anxiety and depression, I am not crippled by these feelings anymore - I no longer struggle leaving the house – I can still have bad days but overall I feel more myself than I have in over a year. There has also been a major improvement in my overall sense of wellbeing which in turn has made me more able to manage my other symptoms - I have more get-up-and-go now, and I feel much more positive. Homeopathic treatment really has changed my life and I feel like a different person to how I felt before - I feel much more positive in all aspects of my life and the difference has even been noticed by my family and friends. I would definitely recommend treatment to others – it deals with the root of the problem rather than masking the symptoms. I would recommend Amanda because she is friendly and professional and didn’t make me feel as though the things I was suffering with were trivial – that was very comforting."





"I have had irregular periods since my late teens and have suffered with anxiety, low mood and depression since 2010. I found it difficult to get out of bed and had low self-esteem. I suspected my mood was a consequence of a hormonal imbalance. Within a couple of days of taking the remedy each time, my mood improved and I felt more confident although I still found it difficult to wake up and get out of bed. The last remedy I took had the very best result. I completely forgot how it felt to be depressed and anxious and I felt settled, happy and confident. This feeling was so unusual since I haven't felt this good since around 2010. I would 100% recommend Amanda as a practitioner because she made me feel comfortable, at ease and listened to. She is thorough in her questioning and made me feel that everything I said was relevant and important. She is hugely empathetic and intuitive and is honest and informative in her approach to treatment. I quickly developed trust in her and felt like I was going to visit a friend before each consultation."





"At the beginning of treatment I wanted help with acne, long menstrual cycles, PMT and period pain – symptoms which had been present for the past 20 years. I didn’t have any reservations about trying homeopathy – I was very keen to try it. My PMT has significantly reduced as a result of treatment to the point where I am no longer aware of when my period is due. My period is not as heavy or as painful as before, and the musculoskeletal pain I used to get during my period has resolved. My acne has also reduced in quantity and is less painful, and my eczema has reduced. But the single most positive outcome that I have experienced as a result of treatment is that I now have a balanced mood throughout my cycle. I would absolutely recommend homeopathic treatment to others, and I would recommend Amanda because she is very professional, has a positive nature and is easy to communicate with."



Shepton Mallet


"I came to treatment wanting help with the symptoms of Polycystic ovary syndrome – infertility, anxiety, excess hair and weight gain. I had previously tried the contraceptive pill and Metformin but they had both made my symptoms worse. I did have some reservations about trying homeopathy – I was worried that it wouldn’t have any impact on my symptoms because they were too severe. My anxiety has greatly improved as a result of treatment - I feel I am getting my life back, and in July my GP confirmed that I had had an early miscarriage which is the first glimmer of hope that I might be able to have a baby that I have had. My skin and my excess hair have also improved as a result of treatment – I haven’t had any acne and my hair growth is slower and finer. I would definitely recommend Homeopathic treatment to others – the changes I have seen have had such a positive impact on my life – they have started a period of transformation and given me hope that I have not felt in a long time. I would recommend Amanda because she never made me feel awkward and I never felt judged. It was also great to be able to have our consultations via Skype."





"I came to treatment wanting help with acne – I had severe angry pustules on my face and back, and brain fog, exhaustion and emotional irritability. I had previously tried the oral contraceptive pill, which had helped my skin but not the mental exhaustion or brain-fog. My skin has calmed down approximately 50% as a result of treatment, I do still get breakouts but they are not as severe or as persistent, and my brain-fog and exhaustion has also improved around 50%.  Because of this I feel more confident and happier in myself and have more time for friends and family. I would definitely recommend homeopathy to others – it’s a non-invasive treatment that works with the body naturally to rebuild, rebalance and enhance natural rhythms. I would definitely recommend Amanda as a practitioner – she was so lovely to work with – understanding, patient, sympathetic, practical and flexible, and at times we were able to laugh at things, which took the stress out of a potentially sensitive and difficult situation."





"I had red coloured irritating patches which appeared on my face when I felt stressed. The anxiety about a possible outbreak seem to actually cause them, which dramatically affected my self-confidence to the point where it was a challenge to leave the house. My GP prescribed a topical antibiotic cream but it didn’t work, and on and off I had felt very depressed about the situation for some months. My only reservation about trying Homeopathy was that if it didn't work, it would be even harder to be hopeful that I could find something that would help. After the treatment things seemed to shift and the symptoms were not as severe and not as frequent. As a result my general outlook and confidence is now much improved and I have lost most of the anxiety I had about going to social events. I would recommend homeopathy as it addresses the root cause of the problem rather than just focusing on superficial symptoms, and it views the person as a whole. I would recommend Amanda to anyone – she took the time and was very thorough – asking many questions to formulate a conclusion. The remedy has helped me recover from what I felt was a hopeless situation and I am extremely grateful." Update 5 years later: 'I'm very pleased to report that I have not had any anxiety problems in all the time that has passed since I saw you last."




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